ISL Engineering Office


ISL Engineering is one of those companies that is cut from the salt of the earth. Good people, good culture, honest, hard working and committed to doing great things. Josh Sookero with Avison Young has been working with ISL for years and together with Fusion Projects placed ISL in approximately 10,000 sq.ft in Burnaby in the middle of a pandemic! Virtually we all came together to understand ISL and create an amazing new office to call their own.

Social Engineering

Through design we can enhance the existing company culture. Social engineering the spaces around the activities that bring the employees together was the challenge. Our goal as professionals should be helping companies redefine their corporate culture both spatially and socially. We need to be working with our clients to understand what culturally fits their business in terms of social activity and in turn pair their spaces to it. We see ourselves like a fitness instructor designing a workout regime or nutritionist designing a food program. One size does not fit all when it comes to curating social programs which is why ISL stands out. Expect to see the following in their office:

Above and Beyond

People select a job based on how well the organizational aspiration matches their own. Similar types of people are attracted to similar employers. All the more reason for companies like ISL to outline their social agenda and go for it in their office design! Stay tuned for seeing this project progress.



Edit Studios Inc.

Design director

Janay Koldingnes


Brett Ryan


SPACE / Capcom Office


SPACE / Oceanic Boardroom